Sunday 28 October 2012

Tu Chiami Una Vita (Salvatore Quasimodo)

Paintings by John William Waterhouse. Set to music by Jan A. P. Kaczmarek. Poem by Salvatore Quasimodo. Sung by April Armstrong. Video by Accabadora.

Salvatore Quasimodo (1901-1968)
— Tu Chiami Una Vita (You Invoke a Life)

Fatica d'amore, tristezza, Labour of love, sadness, 
tu chiami una vita You invoke a life
che dentro, profonda, ha nomi That within, deep inside, has names
di cieli e giardini. Of skies and gardens.
E fosse mia carne And were it my flesh
che il dono di male trasforma. Which the gift of sorrow transforms.


  1. hai Okei ... how to follow you? catila

    1. Thanks Catila! I've finished importing over now.

      You can follow in Google Reader if you like?

      I really ought to get in touch with you (and others) sometime by e-mail, but I'm a procrastinator!

      All the best! okei
